Extremely urgent emergency works to implement structural safety of the bridge in Becca along the S.S. 617 "Bronese" near km 4+500.
The Province of Pavia requested an extremely urgent intervention to structurally consolidate the bridge, closed to traffic due to the collapse of a joint. Restoration members had to be immediately usable for at least 50% of the design load, in a way that would allow the bridge to be re-opened.
The support structures were designed, made and assembled in 17 days. These are 4, triangular-shaped self-supporting mixed steel-concrete pier caps for supporting on poles, and 2 S355 steel transoms, filled with C35/45 SCC concrete, to support the bridge.
The self-supporting mixed steel-concrete members, in the first phase entirely metal structures, are capable of absorbing 50% of the design load; the remaining part is achieved once the completing cast is hardened.