The Centro Leoni executive complex is the first office building in Italy to be LEED “Core and Shell” certified, achieving the “Silver” level. In Milan, in the immediate vicinity of the Bocconi Campus, Centro Leoni consists of two neighbouring buildings, both 10 floors above ground and 3 below. It extends over a total surface of about 52 thousand square metres, and is the headquarters of a number of multinationals.
The laying speed of mixed steel-concrete self-supporting beams together with the standardisation of site operations have resulted in reduced site management costs, and very quick completion of the works. Beams with concrete footing were used for the 3 underground decks coupled with pre-compressed hollow core slabs for a total of 26,000 sqm, and Light Beams for 10 above ground decks coupled with prestressed slabs for 45,800 sqm of deck.